iunie 10, 2008 at 11:31 pm Un comentariu

Aveti AICI viitoarea mea achiziţie. Yeah,right…

Discutam cu un amic…daca sa imi placa sau sa ma repulseze putin. Are un design bestial dar totusi, nu ma convinge „pielea” aia.

El a zis ca e „ceva nou”.Mai mult de atât eu ce să spun? Ziceti si voi…


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  • 1. Angrybater (@Angrybater)  |  noiembrie 29, 2011 la 12:00 pm

    Just this past weekend beyond 300 tattoo artists mostly from Southern California studios gathered in Pomona’s Fairplex to pitch their ink at anecdote of the in seventh heaven’s largest conventions of its kind. In to boot to the talented artists, the Trunk Craftsmanship Expo in Pomona also featured scores of pastime such as tattoo category contests, live music concerts and MMA fights.Wholesale gadgets


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